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Amateurs hack systems... 
Professionals hack people. 

Don't Forget To Train The Humans

Cybercriminals are attacking us from every direction targeting our hardware, software and employees. We can no longer rely on a few people in the IT department to handle every attack vector for the entire organization. We can no longer keep buying security appliances and software expecting it to be a silver bullet. We need to help our IT department by giving every employee who touches a computer the tools to understand when they are being manipulated, whether it be by email, text, phone call or by weaponized USB.


"The most unique aspect of Frank's presentation is that he researches the latest hacking techniques reported in the news, breaks them down and offers clear tips and guidelines of how to reduce our vulnerability to hackers."

Rebecca Welbourn
Program Coordinator at Hackforge

Past Cybersecurity Training

We have done many presentations for Mayors, Councillors, CAOs, Law Enforcement and Administrators throughout Canada. Each presentation is tailored to the audience and is customized to your organization. Sessions can be 1 - 3 hours in length based on the topics chosen and the audience can be any size. We specialize in presentations for corporate employees and can do multiple sessions in one day.


"We were impressed with the content and surprised at how vulnerable many of our organizations could be with regard to the many aspects of safeguarding computer systems."

Tony Haddad
CAO, Town of Tecumseh

“You made it very easy for everyone to relate to the issues with all of your personal anecdotes.I have no doubt that we are more secure as a result of your presentations.”

Andrew Allison
CAO, Municipality of Clarington

"You delivered the information in a way that engaged all of our staff from our front line employees to our most senior leaders."

John Skorobohacz
CAO, Town of Midland

"The Team was very impressed by the information provided by Fazio and asked that he return for further presentations in the future."

Donna Hunter
CAO, Town of Essex

"As part of our conference, we invited Mr. Frank Fazio to deliver a presentation on Cyber Security Awareness Training. The session was extremely well received, with numerous positive comments received from our attendees"

Sgt. Steve Betteridge
Public Information Officer
Windsor Police

"Your previous sessions provided to our staff earlier in the year proved useful as subsequent phishing tests yielded no ‘clicks’ from those who attended this training."

Shaun Fuerth B.C.S.
Director - Information & Communication Services
Town of Tecumseh

"As we discussed prior to your presentation, one of our goals for staff training has been to equip the staff with the necessary tools to perform their duties while working with the children. As such, safety – of the children, and our staff is of utmost importance!

Staff  - myself included – found the presentation eye opening!"

Greg Rusk
Recreation Supervisor

"His presentations were eye-opening and we fully intend on continuing to turn to Frank to keep us up to date on protecting ourselves on-line."

Darren Grandel
Deputy Chief Inspector
Ontario SPCA

"In addition, I reached out to Frank after the fact with further security questions and he responded back with answers in a timely fashion.  A great resource – thanks!”

Cam Lund

Manager of Community Development


"If you are trying to get your users to stop clicking silly things an you don't want them bored out of their minds, I highly recommend Frank Fazio. I mean, you could get Frank just to entertain your next dinner party and it would be worth it. Seriously fantastic speaker and very reasonable rates even for the dollar-clutchers."

Abe Abernethy
Director of Professional Services
Graylog Inc.

In The Media


"It's easier for me to attack a human than it is to try to attack a system," he said. "If I can trick you into going to a fake website, putting your username or password in, now I've got your username or password and I can use it.

"I don't need to break anything. It's all about manipulation, social engineering."

CBC News

Past Conference Presentations

Honored to have presented at the following conferences

KEYNOTE - OMRON Police Conference - Windsor
MISA Ontario InfoSec Conference - Toronto
Ontario SPCA Conference - Niagara Falls
OMAA Fall Workshop - Muskoka
BSidesROC Hacker Conference - New York

CAMFM Annual Conference - Windsor
Crisis Communication Conference - Ottawa
AMCTO Conference - Muskoka
LAS/FCC Risk Management Symposium - Orillia

RPWCO Conference - Windsor
MISA Ontario InfoSec Conference - Orillia
Federation of PEI Municipalities Semi-Annual - PEI 
AMO-MISA-Ontario Municipal Cyber Security 101 Forum - Virtual
Windsor Essex County Dental Association General Meeting - Virtual
Municipal Cyber Security 101: What You Need to Know (Panel) - Virtual
Legal, Cyber & Risk Management Resiliency in a Pandemic - Intact Public Entities - Virtual
City of Windsor Mayor's Youth Group - Windsor
MISA Cyber Security Awareness Training (Panel) - Virtual
How Hackers Hack - Intact Public Entities - Virtual
Cyber Crisis at the Frontlines: Training Our Forces against Manipulative Threat - OACP - Ottawa
Digital Resilience: Protecting Municipal Workers from Cyber Threats - Intact Public Entities - Virtual
Newmarket Chamber of Commerce November Breakfast Networking Event - Newmarket

Maritime Chapter of the Risk and Insurance Management Society Workshop - Halifax
Future Trends: Anticipating the Next Wave of AI and Cybersecurity Threats - Intact Public Entities - Virtual

KEYNOTE - From AI to Zero Trust - MISA INFOSEC 2024 - Markham
Cellular Exposure: The Next Gateway for Hackers and AI - Intact Public Entities - Virtual
Brave New World: The Implications of Artificial Intelligence for Police Communications - OACP - Niagara Falls

KEYNOTE - I Don't Answer The Phone, I Don't Read My Emails: Cyber Risk Management in 2024 - RMA Insurance - Alberta

KEYNOTE - Municipal Benchmarking Network Canada - Niagara
Staying Safe in a Digital World - Age Friendly Group (formally Seniors Group) - Windsor 


Online Employee Training

You bring the Zoom, we provide the training.


Hacker Competition Experience

CySAT Security is a member of 3 different hacker teams


Security Innovation CTF

Hackfest Canada - Montreal


Hacker CTF

Hackfest Canada - Montreal


Security Innovation CTF

BSidesTO - Toronto



GrrCon Hacker Conference - Michigan


TraceLabs OSINT Missing Person CTF

DefCon416 - Toronto


Hackasat Qualifiers & Final

United States Air Force - Online

President's Message

"I've been in the industry for over 30 years and I'm seeing a dangerous culture shift to a checkbox mentality. We need to stop checking boxes on our security checklists and provide our employees, friends and family with the tools to protect themselves when connecting to the Internet."


Frank Fazio is the founder of CySAT Security and a highly respected thought leader and educator with more than 30 years experience in the information technology field. He is certified in Incident Response and Advanced Forensics and his cybersecurity expertise is regularly sought out by organizations in the broader public sector. Frank has delivered numerous training sessions to municipalities and related organizations, including the Ontario Media Relations Officers Network, the Municipal Information Systems Association, the Federation of PEI Municipalities and AMO, amongst others. His practice is uniquely focused on equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to protect themselves online and the critical assets of the organizations they represent.

Contact Us

If you would like a presentation for your organization or a conference, please contact us and we will get back to you to discuss content and scheduling.

As well as on-site presentations, we offer remote online training.

Phish testing and infrastructure penetration testing would need to be scheduled with your IT department. We can take care of all the details. 

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